Friday 22 January 2010

...Sex, Love and Music...

What these mean to you? Can we actually say, we love sex, we love music and we love to fall in love and then it is like music which takes you through these, probably, best emotions and throws you in sex?


Вне постели женщину нужно любить, но в постели - ненавидеть!
Love your woman, though hate her in the bedroom!


Tuesday 19 January 2010

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"

Even though this is not my just cannot say it better!


Tuesday 12 January 2010

Спасибо DaReal'у за поддержку, энтузиазм и вдохновение! FOREVER FIRST!

Cпасибо моему cо-автору, другу, единомышленнику Аlex Pol'у за все, что он делает!

I love you, guys!

"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway."
Jerome Cummings


P.S. Натали!!! Мы тебя любим! ;)

Alex & DaReal